viernes, 30 de agosto de 2019

A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. I'm going to talk about the country I would like to visit.

Image result for franciaIf you ask me what country I would like to visit, I wouldn't give you a total answer because I want to visit many countries. But I have a preference for the history and art, that make me choose France. So the country I would like to visit is France. It's a country with many atractions and legendary places, there are classical buildings and monuments. For example, the Eiffel Tower. Actually, I think that it's the perfect country to visit but I wouldn't live there because it's a powerful country with many conflicts. I love the language, I can speak a little bit of french but surely I would learn more through the experience of talk to other people in the context. It's a country where you can breathe history and culture, maybe history about the whole world, because a lot of movements has been born in France. It's full of art, food, museums and science. I love it!


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